Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jessie Godderz: Muscles & More

Since he appeared in the MTV shows "Exposed" and "Next" bodybuilding enthusiasts have wanted to know who this amazing, young muscle man is. His name is Jessie Godderz, he's 20 years old, and he's the youngest natural professional bodybuilder in the USA. Now he can also be seen on In an impressive video filmed at The Arnold Classic Jessie Godderz is doing pull-ups - as many as possible and all out. The exciting result: Jessie Godderz succeeds in pulling up his body 30 times.

But Jessie Godderz is more than an just a young bodybuilder. When you visit his page on MySpace, you can read his remarkable thoughts about life: "Everything happens for a reason", is the motto Jessie Godderz has come to live by now. "God helps me through the hard times and blesses me with all the good in my life", he explains. His wish is to become certified as a trainer and to pursue a modeling career. Jessie Godderz is determined and works hard. Therefore he's likely to succeed. And next time he'll may chin himself even more than 30 times.

All images copyright (c)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Jeremy Markum: Upper Body

Jeremy performs several exercises for upper body which are not included in the videos below.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

All images copyright (c)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Yoder Twins: Body Double

This new muscle and fitness video is going to be a hit: "Body Double" presents the Yoder twins Aaron and Andrew, two young bodybuilders in Oregon's Willamette Valley. The 19-year-old muscleboys just got back from a photo shoot in New York City.

Their finished DVD from Kinetic Energy Productions - They produced the Jason Borish Thriller DVDs - will be for sale this Spring. WI will keep you posted. And now enjoy the teaser trailer with the amazing and likable muscle twins Aaron and Andrew:

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Friday, March 16, 2007

Jeremy Markum: Lateral Raises

Lateral raises for big delts are the fifth lesson with Jeremy Markum, who says: "For delts I like to stick with isolation work". In the following video Jeremy explains why. Moreover he gives useful tips and demonstrates several popular mistakes you can easily avoid when doing lateral raises.

Video copyright (c)

Read also a portrait of Jeremy here.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Ales Zelinka: Muscles and Music

Muscles and music - Ales needs both. "Sports and music complement each other", the star model of CzechYoungMuscle says. Ales Zelinka loves above all classical music. He's studying at a music academy.

In sports Ales is a successful young bodybuilder: Bohemia Juniors Champion of the year 2005. And he's big in athletics. Ales' favorite discipline is sprint. Here some impressions of his workout:

You find over 20 videos and hundreds of high-quality photos with Ales on
Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jeremy Markum: Lying Triceps

Most guys, who want impressive arms, intensively train their biceps but neglect their triceps. However triceps make two third of your arm size. In the following video Jeremy performs the "lying triceps extension", with variations and tips how to avoid mistakes.

Video copyright (c)
Soon one more workout video with Jeremy here on WI.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Shane Giese: All Angles (3)

More impressions from Shane's DVD "All Angles" from Repetrope:

You find Shanes Giese's DVD "All Angles" on Repetrope.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Jeremy Markum: Dumbbell Curl

"18 inches on a good day", Jeremy tells about his biceps. In the following video he explains how his arms got this huge size and he tells you all you need to know about correct and effective dumbbell curls for big, for very big, biceps.

Video copyright (c)

Soon two more workout videos with Jeremy here on WI.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Friday, March 9, 2007

Ray Update

His fans can't wait to see the latest photos of his progress. Now young bodybuilder Ray has shown on the board World of Men, that he has gained even more muscle mass and that he looks better than ever.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Jeremy Markum: Dips

Dips are a very good exercise for bigger pecs. But dips are far more. Learn why they're a so-called "compound movement", how you shall not do them, and how it sounds when Jeremy is whistling...

Video copyright (c)

Soon three more workout videos with Jeremy here on WI.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Thursday, March 8, 2007

New Series: Workout with Jeremy Markum

Some years ago Jeremy Markum - personal trainer, fitness expert and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) - produced the DVD "Damn Good Exercises - Upper Body". On this DVD Jeremy performs correct and successful workout exercises for building up an impressive body, always emphasizing that his own physique is the best proof for their efficiency. I'll post five clips from this DVD here on WI in the next days. These five clips were preview videos on Jeremy's website, and I'm glad that I saved them. Thus I can present them here on WI, and Jeremy has agreed.

The exercises of the five videos are: pullups, dips, dumbbell curls, lying triceps exercise and lateral raises. Let's begin with the first one: pullups.

Images and video copyright (c)

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sixpack Guy: Intense Biceps Exercises

Two videos with "Sixpack99" working out his biceps:

In video 1 he 's training in his gym and doing dumbbell and preacher curls:

In video 2 he's doing barbell curls and flexing at home:

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Soon: Max B's Workout DVD

I've bought the workout DVD of with Max B. Now I've got it - it's fantastic. You learn a lot from Max, and when the 19-year-old muscle man (now 21) is pumped up, his muscles seem to explode. I'll write and post a review soon.

Images copyright (c)

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc
Shane Giese & other great bodybuilders: Repetrope

Josh vs. Ryan: Armwrestling

There're still some guys who think they're stronger in armwrestling than Josh from AllamericanGuys. Jesse is the judge of this match between the all-time champion Josh (left) and Ryan (right).

Hundreds of high-quality videos and photos on

Friday, March 2, 2007

Perek & Marek: Two Teen Bodybuilders

A special quality of is to find and build up new, young muscular models. Perek (photo above: left) and Marek (right) are two of these gifted teen bodybuilders. It's a pleasure to watch the two buddies training: They work hard and seriously, and at the same time they've much fun.

You find many high-quality photos and videos with Perek and Marek working out, posing, flexing and having fun on CzechYoungMuscle.

Best workout & muscleboys: RealWorkoutsInc

Shane Giese & other hot bodybuilders: Repetrope